Rejected Christmas Card pictures
After recieving many great Christmas cards from friends and family, Janet and I decided to try and just snap a pic of the kids and send it out as a card. I have been fairly busy with work, and there was no way we would get to the Sears Portrait Studio like we normally do. Besides, how hard can it be to capture that priceless, timeless, heart-tugging picture of your own beautiful, perfect little angels?
It seemed simple enough. But unfortunately, if you are reading this you probably already know we didn't get any cards out this year. However, here are some nice pics we did take plus some funny rejects that we like to laugh about.
First, the better pics.

This is actually the first picture we took, and it is very close to being just what we needed. Emily was looking away, though.

We have a clubhouse in the toy room and I thought it would be nice to get a shot of the kids looking out the windows. This one is very close to being a great shot. However, it's blurry and Janet has the control-pinch on Ian's neck.

A great shot of Janet holding Emily.

Janet and Emily again.

While we're on Emily, here are some nice pics of her on the bed.

Our crew in front of our stockings. Not bad at all, although Keighly is clipped on the edge of the picture.

A good pic of the kids on our bed. If Emily would have smiled this easily would have been a Christmas card!
Now for our top six 2005 Rejected Christmas Card Pictures:

Number 6:
Ian. Look alive there, son.

Number 5:
Emily is not cooperating. Ian is a zombie. Where is our magical whoopi cushion that makes all kids laugh?

Number 4:

Number 3:
Emily is tired of this, Ian is shooting the camera, and I smell something.

Number 2:
Emily has left and Ian is picking his nose. Classic!

Number 1:
It seemed simple enough. But unfortunately, if you are reading this you probably already know we didn't get any cards out this year. However, here are some nice pics we did take plus some funny rejects that we like to laugh about.
First, the better pics.

This is actually the first picture we took, and it is very close to being just what we needed. Emily was looking away, though.

We have a clubhouse in the toy room and I thought it would be nice to get a shot of the kids looking out the windows. This one is very close to being a great shot. However, it's blurry and Janet has the control-pinch on Ian's neck.

A great shot of Janet holding Emily.

Janet and Emily again.

While we're on Emily, here are some nice pics of her on the bed.

Our crew in front of our stockings. Not bad at all, although Keighly is clipped on the edge of the picture.

A good pic of the kids on our bed. If Emily would have smiled this easily would have been a Christmas card!
Now for our top six 2005 Rejected Christmas Card Pictures:

Number 6:
Ian. Look alive there, son.

Number 5:
Emily is not cooperating. Ian is a zombie. Where is our magical whoopi cushion that makes all kids laugh?

Number 4:

Number 3:
Emily is tired of this, Ian is shooting the camera, and I smell something.

Number 2:
Emily has left and Ian is picking his nose. Classic!

Number 1:
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