January Pics

Some random pics from January (we're still waiting to get a new camera, so I'll catch up on older stuff).
Here, my older brother Joe(y) shows off his towel that comes with instructions.

While culling some old hardware, I had to take a picture of how far technology has come. On the left is an 18 Gig hard drive. On the right is a 100 Gig hard drive.

Emily surfing the net. Or, doing something she shouldn't. Or, KNOWINGLY doing something she shouldn't. Or, all three.

Emily discovers the blue marker!

Emily with Thing hands. Photo by Ian.

Ian in 3D! I believe he's watching Shark Boy and Lava Girl.

Keighly with a bandage on her upper lip. Not sure why, but it is interesting since there is a elementary school picture of me with a large bandage on my chin, very similar to this. I'll see if I can dig it up. It has been constant entertainment to the rest of my family for years!

This is our new (additional) dog MJ. Her real name is Mary, but we thought it might be confusing to our other dog, Murry. Mary, Murry. Murry! Mary! They sound the same. We expanded it to Mary Jane, then shortened it to MJ. She is a German Shepherd/Collie mix. She is VERY smart, very fast, and very agrivating. She DEMANDS attention and affection.

One day, Ian decided to spray paint Emily silver. Amazingly, no paint got in her eyes (or his).

More paint. Emily seems happy!

All over!

We finally got around to getting a new roof put on the little house.
(Oooo, real mexicans!)

We also finally got around to putting a washer/dryer combo in the little side of the middle house. Becky seems happy!

Ian plays hard, and if he ever actually gets still he can nap. Here, he shows how his Spiderman abilities keep him in the chair even when he's asleep.

Fun with clothespins!

NASA, we are go for launch..



And a smooth landing by Ian..

Where's Ian?

Ian is very proud of something older people would also be proud of: a good bowel movement! Since we're in potty-training mode, we made a very bid deal out of his first.....er, 'deposit'..

We re-modeled our front bathroom with a new Jacuzzi tub, American standard mega-flush-thunder-bowl-champion-supreme toilet, lavitry, paint job, the works! Here, Ian and I enjoy the new jacuzzi tub after apparently working on something very dirty earlier in the day. The tub didn't fit exactly, and there is a gap on the left between the tub and wall that needs to be filled with what we call a "lip". Since I haven't fixed it yet, Janet's ace-in-the-hole is to always remind me I need to fix the tub's "lip".

Emily is ready for church!

For New Years we went to my older brother Joe(y) and wife Lori's house to shoot some fireworks! The Bealls are big into dangerous, Emergency-Room-ending events! Click the pic for a short movie of a mortar launch. (You'll need the Windows Media Player to view the movie)
Great pics! hehe..keep em coming! Love the where's Ian...I had to look at it full screen to find him.
It was easy to hide back when our porch was Katrina'd! :)
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