Vacation! Day 1

We are off to Disney World for a few days!
Our day started very early: 3:30am! Everyone seems ready enough, lets go!

Unfortunately, Emily fell and got a good sized knot on her head over her black eye under Nanny and Papa's carport. What a way to start a vacation.

We prepared well for the trip, and packed enough snacks and food to stop and have a pic-nick just before Chattanooga.

Woah! Gas is right at $3 a gallon down here.

After many more hours in the vehicles, we decided to stop and eat at a Hardees. We pretty much took up this whole corner.

Using fine artistic brush strokes, Andrew gives the kids some whip-topping moustaches.

Inspector Clouseau and Sgt. Deux Deux if I ever saw them!

The whole crew with whip-topping moustaches!
(we left quickly after this)

We arrived at my Uncle Chuck and Aunt Jane's house about 10pm local time. What a journey, I'm sure we look like quite a motley crew. From left: Me, my younger brother Andrew (he and I did most of the driving), Andrew's son Chandler, my Mom, my nephew Donovan, Janet with Emily, Amber with Keighly, Amanda with Ian, and my Dad. We got lost on the way, but did manage to take a quick peek of some of the NASA visitors center (we saw TWO space shuttles!). Once we arrived, we greeted everyone, unpacked, some of us showered/bathed, and then we got ready for bed.

Even though we were basically riding in vehicles all day, no one had any problems falling asleep. We hope to get up at 6am and leave by 7am and get our tickes so we can be at the gates when they open at 9am.
Hooray for Vacations to FL... Wish i could be there with y'all - blasted work... (Shakes fist)
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i got a little comment happy, sorry about that - also, i like the Rock Star kid who has the metal hand pose in every pic - YEAH ROCK ON MAN... haha
Hey Karen! Wish you were there with us.. Actually, no.. 12 was plenty! :)
Sorry for not getting the other pics up yet, we just got totally overwhelmed and I didn't have time. I'll get them up this weekend..
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