Keighly turned 8 this year! At her party at Nanny and Papas, Chandler gave her a birthday 'pickle' card!

Some of her gifts were a Littlest Pet Shop playset (she loves the Littlest Pet Shop).

A large plush cow from Aunt Lori and Uncle Joe.

The bow from the gifts makes a nice hair accessory!

Later, we had a party for her classmates at
Laser Mania. This was her frog cake.

The main attraction at Laser Manis is laser tag! Here Keighly and Michael defend their position.

Keighly maneuvers the obstacles!


Everyone has a blast!

High energy fun for all!

Keighly blows out the candles on her cake.

She gets lots of great gifts from her classmates.

Meredith doesn't let a bow go to waste!

Lora Lee tries it out as well.

Everyone gets some cake and drink.


Leah tries Keighly's frog puppet while Meredith enjoys the cake.

After another rousing game of laser tag, the gift bags were passed out. The main prize in each was a whoopi cushion! Micah inflates his quickly.

Michael shows us the proper way to use the whoopi cushion!

The last gift was a plush skunk puppet. She loved it!
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