I accidently discovered something we have been having fun with for quite some time now. I have a large tree I need to cut down in the corner of the compound. I shot an arrow over a large fork and pulled a rope over hoping to pull it down. It didn't come down. With the rope still up, it didn't take long for the kids to start swinging on it (it was about 60 feet up to the fork). To make it safe (heh), I put one of our kiddie swings on the rope. The concept is simple: someone sits in the swing; I pull as hard as I can; the person is lifted about 20 or 30 feet in the air! Fun! (More fun for the rider than the puller.. Oooo, nice 'stache!) Ian rides while Janet stands under him for scale. Yeeha! Keighly rides, too, although heavier people don't go as high. What is fun is to suspend someone as high as you can, then when they aren't suspecting it you let them fall (controlled, of course)! It's just like the Fair! Naturally, Janet is opposed to this and sees it as very dangerous.
Here is a movie from the rider's view and the puller's view (you need Flash to view it). This was literally taken a few minutes after we discovered the fun. We've since put the swing a little higher on the rope allowing a more dramatic ride!
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