Sunday, February 24, 2008

Dough Rider

Dough Rider
Originally uploaded by trinitifx
While taking Keighly to school, a woman on a scooter pulled up next to us at a red light. Since we had just watched Ghost Rider, Janet dubbed this the "Dough Rider"!

Saturday, February 23, 2008


We love these commercials, very funny and clever!

Five friends (A viking, pilgrim, king, roman leader, and polynesian flame dancer) head out on a road trip that ends up a feast-worthy adventure (in an old Ford Taurus with a faded paint job, no less!).

Our favorite is #7, where the viking sounds the 'feasting horn'..!

Second favorite is "Thief", where Robin Hood not only gives a Daffy Duck "Yikes, and away!", but rides away on a motor scooter!

And now, the complete Snickers FEAST song! MANLY!


Friday, February 22, 2008

What is this? Solved!

I see these on the road all the time. What are they?

It turns out, this is a Windmill! This is the part that houses the generator, where the blades attach (#3 in this pic).

There was one stopped at a truckstop, so I pulled in and talked to them. They told me they deliver these all over, though I've never actually seen an assembled one anywhere around here (I did see them in Canada all over the place).


I've decided to put all my pictures on Flickr. By all, I mean every picture I have ever taken. In fact, I'd like to keep going back farther and get pics from me and Janet's childhood.. I've been uploading for awhile now, and am nowhere near finished. It takes awhile to upload the pics, plus I'd like to go back and add comments. Anyway, feel free to check them out: My Flickr Pics

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Bad Hair Cut

Well, I got a bad hair cut. Time to wear a hat, I guess. I told the lady "Half off the top", but I think she thought I said a "half-inch" (although what is left isn't even a half inch).